33 research outputs found

    Static Execute After algorithms as alternatives for impact analysis

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    Impact analysis plays an important role in many software engineering tasks such as software maintenance, regression testing and debugging. In this paper, we present a static method to compute the impact sets of particular program points. For large programs, this method is more effective than the slightly more precise slicing. Our technique can also be used on larger programs with over thousands of lines of code where no slicers can be applied since the determination of the program dependence graphs, which are the bases of slicing, is an especially expensive task. As a result, our method could be efficiently used in the field of impact analysis

    Szegedi Innovatív Informatika Verseny, 2019

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    Efficient static impact analysis

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    Uncovering Dependence Clusters and Linchpin Functions

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    Dependence clusters are (maximal) collections of mutually dependent source code entities according to some dependence relation. Their presence in software complicates many maintenance activities including testing, refactoring, and feature extraction. Despite several studies finding them common in production code, their formation, identification, and overall structure are not well understood, partly because of challenges in approximating true dependences between program entities. Previous research has considered two approximate dependence relations: a fine-grained statement-level relation using control and data dependences from a program’s System Dependence Graph and a coarser relation based on function-level controlflow reachability. In principal, the first is more expensive and more precise than the second. Using a collection of twenty programs, we present an empirical investigation of the clusters identified by these two approaches. In support of the analysis, we consider hybrid cluster types that works at the coarser function-level but is based on the higher-precision statement-level dependences. The three types of clusters are compared based on their slice sets using two clustering metrics. We also perform extensive analysis of the programs to identify linchpin functions – functions primarily responsible for holding a cluster together. Results include evidence that the less expensive, coarser approaches can often be used as e�ective proxies for the more expensive, finer-grained approaches. Finally, the linchpin analysis shows that linchpin functions can be e�ectively and automatically identified